Friday 29 August 2014


All self –improvement ,personal effectiveness and success starts with a decision by yourself .Are you satisfied in who you are and what you have achieved in life ?Are there any things you wish you could have done or could do which will make you feel that your time on this Earth has been worthwhile and worth living? What do you recognize as your talent which you are sure you would possibly come first in any competition or if you tried to improve on it?What is that dream which keeps you awake at night, begging you to attain it? If you could get out of your skin and choose who you would like to become, who would you be and why?
The truth of the matter is in a majority of cases you can choose to be who and what you want to be  ,pursue it and achieve it.If you are not happy with the cards life has dealt you, you can change your choice of cards and or in fact change the whole deck by exercising one of the most sacred of our precious God given attributes-that of choice.Choose to become your dream,live towards it and live it to the fullest.Re-invent yourself and cast aside the present limitations to what you want to become.
Very little can stand in the way of resolute purpose :not people and certainly not circumstances.If you do your part and carve out an identity for yourself,who you want to become and work towards that without compromise-the environment and people will end up conforming to the stronger will-power in you.Quit accepting that nothing can be done about your situation and embrace what you want to become.
When you decide to re-invent yourself, remember that there are people who are used to the older you who will resist your insistence on change.They would rather you remain the same-rather ,that they keep a leash or noose around your neck and keep you the same  person they are used to.They cannot cope with you being what they are not used to.It is your life and you live once.
So,Go ahead and be who you want to be


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