Thursday 28 August 2014


There are very few things you can get for free in this world and although there is an African saying that, the only thing you can get for free is sunshine even in this case you have to get out of the shade to follow it around. You have to pay a price for most things and as for the best; you may consider parting with your arm or leg to get them. Dreaming is one of those pleasurable experiences for which you will pay nothing but can be very life-changing and worth-while. Find somewhere comfortable, close your eyes and shut out the world and start thinking about the best that you want in life. Walk through the pathways of weight-loss, down the valley of professional success, along the streams of healthy and perfect relationships and cross yonder to the achievement of all those goals you have set for yourself. Wallow in the orgasmic feelings associated with your goals and enjoy them as if you have already achieved them- indeed you have. When you open your eyes you will see the world of now and remind yourself it is now time for you to plot your journey to where you already have been.

Never mind the critics and the pessimists who will roll their eyes and are quick to remind you that you have been day-dreaming, wake up and see the real world for what it is. What they are saying is that you are what you are and will not amount to anything better, that the world can not be changed and that you are a fool to consider the possibility of crossing over to the promised land. They would rather you shut-up, sit there in the misery and hopelessness of the present and accept the cards fate has dealt you. They are very quick to ask whether anything tangible has come out of your `madness` and sometimes if they are close to you may manipulate you out of that dream.

Refuse to give up and throw away your dreams because they represent your hopes on the things you aspire to achieve. Cling to your dreams because they are your priceless property. They represent the roadmaps and blue-prints of your life. Many people are leading mediocre lives because they did not dare to dream.

Go ahead and dream. When you are done, start fulfilling your dreams.


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