Friday 29 August 2014


The Science of achieving success has as its core-principle ,the law of organized action towards a goal. You should desire to succeed, plan to achieve that success and then get off your bottom to act towards your intended goal.Although this sounds too simplistic, it is unfortunately the haggle on which a lot of dreams are abandoned, aborted and buried. Knowing something and doing it or putting it into practice are two related but distinct things.Many folks find themselves very busy, never finding time to rest and when the year comes to an end ,you  can not put a finger on what they have achieved really!What seems to be the problem?The following is a suggestion on how to deal with the issues of goals,targets and plans.
1.Have a burning desire and passion to achieve something-a job, a promotion,a level of performance far higher than where you are right now, a level of influence ,money, relationships---anything you wish to achieve.You should have a clear outline of what it is and why you want to achieve it.It is these reasons which will keep you on track when the challenges visit you---and they will.
2.Sit down and write it out in more detail.How long is it going to take you to accomplish it,what resources will you need for this task,when will you start ---and so on.
3.Break the tasks down to smaller ones,the timeframes to daily tasks so that you can measure how much you should do in the short run.There is no need to try and do the whole thing in a day, otherwise if you fail to do that  you may end up getting discouraged and  then giving- up
4.Create the conducive environment in which you will operate,clearing all possible obstacles and bringing in anything and everyone who you think will be instrumental in the accomplishment of this dream.
5.Make sure you plan to start at a certain specific time.You may not always be 100% ready for a task and one of the worst things you can do is not starting.What is important is to do what you have planned to do.
Setting goals and targets and making detailed,specific plans to accomplish them is very important in performing tasks.It psychologically helps you to anticipate success,prepares you for any challenges and problems that may arise and helps you the way a map would in navigating your way towards your dreams.Without specific plans , direction is lost,commitment compromised and progress unmeasured.
So,sit down and draw your map before you move and then make it towards your promised land.

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