Thursday 28 August 2014


The decision to become successful is the initial step and perhaps one of the most important you can ever make in the process of personal improvement, self -transformation and the pursuit /achievement of excellence. We are not talking about a desire and willingness to be successful, because almost everybody wishes they were better. What we are talking about is the complex process of soul searching ,self- introspection which should yield a conclusion that based on what has been considered there is a need to engage life to arrive at a particular destination called success.
Although this sounds like a cliché, like an obvious point which scarcely needs our attention, as a matter of fact, this is exactly why a lot of people’s lives have stagnated and they are failing to take off in the direction of their goals. Many people like to be in the comfort zone of their daily routines; meeting the same people, doing the same things, putting the same effort, expecting  the same results and following the same habits which have led them to be where they are. Their comfort zone is the box they have created and defined as the perimeter of their lives. Their psychology, their expectations, their physical conditioning and everything about them is comfortable only when they are in that comfort zone. They  have what I can call a this-is-how-I-have-always-done-things mentality.
There is nothing wrong in  being principled and sticking to practices that produce desired results. However ,if you want to be successful, to get more satisfaction in your life, earn more money, have better relationships, have a successful organisation or move on to the next level as an  individual ,you have to go through a decision making process which starts by being uncomfortable in the comfort zone, realising that there is life outside the box and that you can either extend the perimeter of the box or abandon it altogether. Almost all kinds of success starts with discomfort of the present conditions and progresses to transformation-very much like a process of birth. You have to passionately decide to pursue your goal and dedicate yourself to achieving it. If you do not decide this for yourself, somebody else will and the question is ;is that really what you like?
Success is worth pursuing and aiming for better things and becoming a better you is something you have a right to. You are the one who should decide the direction of your life and to write the next chapter. Look around your environment and ask yourself is this the best I can be ,am I happy about this and can I do better than this? When you decide to move to the next level and you have a goal-make that inevitable decision –I am going to achieve that goal and I will do whatever it takes to get there.

My name is Edward Ngundu-you deserve better, you can make it and go for it. Meet you next time.

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